
Hospice Triage


simple tools to triage in a fraction of the time,

so you can provide better care.


Delayed Field Nurse response times are Affecting your care


faster response times

reduced cost

improved patient care

One of the most stressful times for anyone is providing home based, end-of-life care for a loved one; and hospice organizations are under constant pressure to provide quality care in a timely manner.

When that care is delayed, caregiver stress is magnified. With Acurata, you can have peace of mind knowing that your organization is providing the fastest possible response times, helping to reduce caregiver stress and anxiety.


Why We Do What We Do

Everyone working in hospice has a reason why; here’s ours.


Our Mission is to help you make a greater impact

Acurata goes beyond gained productivity and reduced expenses that an organization may realize. The true benefit is the increased level of patient care and satisfaction that results from those gains.

Acurata’s impact

Acurata is already making a real difference.

A Florida-based hospice, one of the largest non-profit organizations in the country, has been using Acurata for six years. With an average daily census of about 1,200 patients, and service to 9,000 patients annually, they receive over 4,000 calls to their triage call center per month. Within six months of deploying Acurata, we saw the following:


Reduction in Nurse Response Times

Nurses are able to respond to calls faster, and are dispatched more efficiently, leading to shortened response times and a better overall patient and caregiver experience.


Reduction in patient and caregiver complaints

Patient and caregiver complaints related to extended response times were decreased by 63% from the previous fiscal year, without an increase in workforce.


reduction in calls to call center from field nurses

Being able to see and dispatch the nurse closest to the patient rather than first to be reached, leads to less time on the phone and more time and resources dedicated to patient care.


what Our Clients Are saying

Founded in 1980 in Florida, Tidewell Hospice is Part Of one of the largest non-profit hospices in the nation and cares for well over 9,000 patients each year, while receiving over 4,000 calls per month to their triage call center. Just look at the impact Acurata has had on an organization of this magnitude in such little time.


“Acurata has given us a window to quickly determine the closest and most appropriate clinician to care for the patient need within our four-county service area”


“Acurata maximizes interaction between our agents, caregivers and patients by providing reassurance when families need it the most”


“Acurata is key in helping Tidewell get the right nurse to the right patient at the right time”


“Acurata enables quick and efficient dispatching of nurses that are the closest to the patient location, all viewable on a live map of the service area from our call center.”


Three Ways Acurata provides a better patient experience

Acurata is a solution to manage and assign visits that is proven to reduce response times and expenses while improving the quality of patient care — giving peace of mind to the families under your care.



Acurata’s web portal and field nurse mobile app automates the triage intake process, eliminating the need for handwritten call center forms, and field nurses taking phone calls and trying to write down patient info while driving.



Triage call center staff can quickly locate and assign the closest nurse to a patient needing a visit using Acurata’s GPS enabled mobile app for field nurses. No more calling field nurses on the phone, trying to find out who’s the closest.

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Increase patient and caregiver engagement and satisfaction with APEx, a secure, HIPAA compliant platform that includes text messaging, video calling, online chat, and visual map based tracking.


looking for a smarter way to manage your triage center?


improved patient care

Go beyond gained productivity and reduced expenses that. The true benefit is the increased level of patient care and patient satisfaction that results from those gains.


Increased patient satisfaction

Increase patient satisfaction by spending more time with each patient. Field nurses get to a patient’s home faster, and by having multiple tools to communicate with you, keeping them engaged with their care plan.


stress-free visit scheduling

Identify the closest nurse to a patient, and assign that visit while still on the phone with the patient or caregiver. Assign visits before hanging up with patients or caregivers, slashing your response times.


accurate reporting

Document and store every detail of a patient visit safely and securely. On-demand reporting give you and your teams access to the most important data you need, when you need it.


Happier field nurses

Reduce phone calls between field nurses and call center, allowing more time to be spent where it really matters, with patients and caregivers. Turnover rates are reduced in organizations using Acurata.


save money

Balance optimal patient care with rising costs and competition. Slash costs by reducing call center volume, mileage reimbursements, field nurse turnover, and reporting errors.


FREE: 4 ways to supercharge patient satisfaction!