Session 1: Triage and Mobile Dispatching

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Hello, and welcome to the first of five sessions for Acurata 101! In this session we will be showing you two key features of what makes Acurata so powerful, the Dispatch Portal and the Mobile Application.

The Dispatch Portal is where your call center staff can dispatch visits to on-call nurses, view on a live map where all the on-duty nurses are in real time, view all visits in the queue and who they are assigned to, leave notes for and chat with other call center staff and/or nurses on duty, and much much more.

The Mobile Application is the nurse's one stop app that provides them with everything they need for their job. It provides driving directions to accepted visits, allows the nurse to leave detailed notes about their visit, and chat back and forth with other nurses, call center staff, or doctors in their designated team.

How are your On-Call nurses receiving visit info in the field?

Look familiar? You're not alone! In fact most organizations we've talked to use this very same system of handwritten notes and telephoning a list of on-call nurses to dispatch calls.

When your call center gets backed up with calls, it may be difficult to manage notes like these, not to mention decreased interaction with patients or caregivers, managing reasonable response times and report accuracy.

Acurata aims to simplify the dispatching process by fully automating everything you see in the example above, from calculating response times, showing your call center staff where the on call nurses are and if they're available, and keeping detailed records about patients and the reasons for their calls.

Acurata Dispatch Portal

On the call center side, using the Acurata Dispatch Portal allows call center staff to identify the closest nurse to the patient and assign the visit while still on the phone with the patient or caregiver. Visits are assigned before the call center staff hang up with patients or caregivers, slashing response times.

On-duty nurses appear on the map with their picture, and hovering over the nurse photo gives the dispatcher other important details. The map is shown in real time, so call center staff can quickly identify the closest available nurse. Staff can also filter the map view, giving them complete control of how their map looks, whether your organization covers a large or small geographical area.

Faster response times means greater patient and caregiver satisfaction, and real-time location mapping leads to more efficient dispatching and lower mileage costs! Every detail of the visit is stored securely and accurate reports are generated automatically, giving your organization access to the most important data you need, when you need it.

Call volume is significantly reduced when call center staff are able to assign visits to the nurse's Mobile Application through the Dispatch Portal. Patient interaction is increased, and the need to hand write these important details is eliminated, reducing errors and call backs to nurses for lost or forgotten info.

Acurata Mobile Application (Android & iOS)

The Mobile Application is the on-call nurse's Swiss Army Knife. Instead of getting telephone calls from the call center, visits are assigned to nurses and they are notified immediately of the pending visit. This gives something the nurse can refer back to and see information that normally would be given over the phone and have to be written down or remembered. Nurses can accept or decline the visit, and the call center will see which action the nurse took and will have the ability to reassign the visit if necessary.

Once a nurse accepts a call, it will show up in their Triage Queue (below). From this view, a nurse can see all of their queued visits at a glance. Each Visit Card can be tapped to get more information about a call and provide the nurse with other useful options.

Using the Mobile Application has been proven to significantly reduce phone calls back and forth with on-call nurses and the call center, allowing more time to be spent on where it really matters, with the patients and caregivers. Adding this level of security and efficiency to an on-call nurse's workflow has also been proven to skyrocket overall job satisfaction ratings and turnover rates have been dramatically reduced in organizations using Acurata.

Visits show up in a nurses Triage Queue, above, and show the most important information about a visit at a glance: patient name, reason for visit, and distance to patient. Tapping on any of the Visit Cards will show more information and options. Note the Messaging option in the bottom right of the screen! Tapping this will open a chat window where the nurse can send secure messages to other members of their team.

The Visit Detail window. Once a nurse taps on a Visit Card, this window appears, showing them all the relevant info that would normally be given over the phone by a call center nurse. Other options available are the Map button, giving the nurse turn by turn navigation to the patients' location, Call and Video Call buttons to place a telephone or video call to the patient or caregiver, and a place to leave notes about their visit that can be reviewed later.

Ready to learn more?

We have lots more to share with you about Acurata! Thanks for taking the time to learn about how we can change the way you do business. Next week, we will learn about Referral Management and how your Admissions Nurses can use Acurata to follow referrals of prospective patients all the way through the Admissions process.

For more information on how to use Acurata in your organization, sneak previews of new features please read our Case Study or Contact Us


Session 2: Referral Management